Now that the semester is in full gear, there are so many opportunities to get involved on campus with many different organizations. Buctainment is an organization focused on fostering community and growth through a wide range of exciting events.

“Buctainment has several events in collaboration with other organizations on campus and several true to Buctainment. We have karaoke at the Italian Pizza Pub on Sept 19 at 6 p.m., and we are doing an after party after the homecoming pep rally on Sept. 30 at 6:30 p.m.” stated Kenli Withers, Buctainment president.


Buctainment provides different opportunities for students to be able to wind down, hang out with friends, and meet new people. Their events are free to all students, with most of the events either on or close to campus.

After karaoke and the after-party, Buctainment still has many events for students to be able to look forward to. On Oct. 31, Buctainment will be providing inflatables for a Fall Fest. In November, Buctainment plans to host an ETSU skate night on Nov. 7 and will be bringing comedian Adam Grabowski to ETSU on Nov. 21 at 6 p.m.

“Buctainment wants to grow this semester. We have a passion for welcoming students to campus just because it’s hard for people to settle into a college campus, especially if you’re from a small town or small high school. We want to make sure people feel at home and welcome at our events, and we hope that we will help people make friends and find a community through our events,” states Withers.

If you want to have a deeper involvement with Buctainment, you can attend their member meetings on Mondays from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Culp Student Center, Carrier Center, room 210. To get more information on Buctainment and the events they are bringing to you, follow them at @etsubuctainment on Instagram.

“Buctainment is a wide variety of students that all share the same mission to fill at home and have clean fun,” stated Withers.
