Reports of shots fired at Sam Wilson Hall on the East Tennessee State University campus was sent in a campus emergency alert at 9:31 Tuesday morning, but turned out to be a false alarm, according to university officials.

The alert was sent in response to a student’s report of unidentified sounds later acknowledged as coming from campus construction of a new building going up next to Sam Wilson Hall. Campus authorities say there was no threat to campus or casualties.

“While this incident turned out to be a false alarm, I am very proud of the campus and the manner in which everyone acted swiftly,” ETSU President Brian Noland said in a campus-wide email to students, faculty and staff. “Today’s event was a reminder of the importance of being informed on how each of us should respond during an emergency situation. Your attention and quick response are crucial in these situations.

“I would like to thank the faculty and staff in Sam Wilson Hall for their deliberate action this morning to ensure that proper due diligence was exercised in the face of an apparent threat,” Noland continued. “I would also like to thank our Public Safety staff for their rapid and immediate response. In these uncertain times, we are fortunate to have an outstanding Public Safety team at ETSU.”

At 9:37 an all clear was issued following the initial alert.

Campus had seemingly returned to normal operation shortly thereafter. By 10 a.m. students were entering and exiting Sam Wilson Hall as normal.

Further updates will be posted to the East Tennessean as available.
