The “Come As You Are” student art show is hosted each semester to highlight diversity and underrepresented student experiences. This fall’s showcase opened on September 23 and will remain up in the lobby of the Multicultural Center on the second floor of the D.P. Culp Student Center for the next several weeks. 

The Multicultural Center, Pride Center and Digital Media Department partner to create this safe space showcase. The show is a part of the ETSU Equity and Inclusion Conference. Attendees of the show range from conference members to ETSU students and faculty. 

“Like many art shows, our attendees get to experience the lives of our student artists through various mediums. What I like about ours is that these experiences are what make up our student body and are a true reflection of our students,” said Bethanie Dye, coordinator for the Dr. Patricia Robinson Pride Center. “They can take different identities that they hold dear and create depictions of aspects of those identities to share with the world in an environment where they are safe to do so.”

The leadership team for the show is made of undergrad students, a graduate student and staff who help choose the art. The show has various kinds of art including physical, digital, videos of performances, jewelry and quilts.  

Entering the show does not require a specific major or any art prerequisites. “When the students drop off their art and I get to tell them how much the leadership team enjoyed it, sometimes they just stand there in shock that somebody would rave over their art. Being able to give that kind of feedback and instill that kind of confidence in our students is such a beautiful and amazing opportunity,” said Dye.

If you miss the fall display, there will be more events hosted this school year. ”The Pride Center, Multicultural Center and Digital Media Center all have a wide array of events throughout the semester for students, faculty and staff to enjoy. You can check out all of our ETSU websites and social media to find out what we have going on next,” shared Dye.
