A downtown Johnson City tradition, Candy Land Christmas returned on Nov. 30. Located throughout King Commons and Founders Park, a trail of 180 illuminated trees decorated by local organizations will be displayed until Jan. 5.
“It’s a really fun and unique experience that we have here for the holidays,” said Lindsey Jones, main street director for downtown Johnson City.
A new addition this year is the natural adventure playground turning into a life-sized Candy Land game. Parks and Recreation transformed the playground for families to enjoy the experience together. “They completely handmade everything. It’s really awesome to see,” said Jones.
On Dec. 21, Parks and Recreation will help families play the life-sized Candy Land game and set up crafts like ornament making.
The trees can be viewed all day and Jones suggests visitors come throughout the day. “Walk through in the daytime and see all the ornaments in the daylight and then walk through at night and see them when they’re glowing,” said Jones.
Jones mentioned the tree decorated by Marsh Regional Blood Center as one to look out for. “They have decorated theirs as Home Alone and it’s so cute,” said Jones. “They’ve got a big bucket of blue paint coming down it with characters all throughout.”
Numerous events are happening downtown throughout the holiday season. The Christmas Parade is Dec. 7 at 10 a.m. and it will go through the downtown district.
The annual Holiday Sip and Shop, where participants receive a souvenir tumbler to drink from as they shop local deals at local businesses, will take place on Dec. 10. “We usually have 25 businesses participate, and it’s a really fun way to do your holiday shopping,” said Jones.
Another event on Dec. 21 is the Christmas Open House for local churches walkable from downtown. Participants will have the opportunity to drink hot chocolate, listen to Christmas carols and view the church decorations.
For more information on downtown events visit https://www.downtownjctn.com/.