On Election Day, Kingsport residents received an unexpected surprise from comedian Pete Davidson. The news led to a spread of excitement throughout the whole community. Davidson made stops at a couple of Kingsport’s favorite spots during his visit.

His first stop was Phil’s Dream Pit on Eastern Star Road, a popular barbecue spot that attracts locals for its delicious meals. The staff was completely surprised; they did not expect to see Davidson come through the doors. They quickly took a few photos, which they later posted online. The proof was in the pictures: Pete Davidson really had come to Kingsport, Tennessee.

But his visit didn’t stop there. Later that afternoon, Davidson made his way to the Fort Henry Mall, where his arrival caused a commotion. Kayla Southerland was working at the mall and in the back stocking shelves when she heard a coworker yell, “Pete Davidson is in here! She ran out, only to find that the rumors were true: it was Davidson on his way to the cinema to watch a movie.

Pete in Tennessee today(Nov 5) : r/petedavidson

“Everybody was going crazy,” Southerland said, still laughing at how fast the news got around.

After the movie, Southerland asked the actor for a photo and asked what brought him to Kingsport out of all places. Davidson, grinning, replied, “I’m here to get some Pal’s food.” Pal’s is a beloved East Tennessee fast-food chain, and the fact that Davidson knew about it instantly won everyone over.

Although brief, a visit from Davidson made Election Day memorable in Kingsport-from food stops to a movie night out, he left behind plenty of happy fans and stories for locals to share.

Pete in Tennessee today(Nov 5) : r/petedavidson
