Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article misrepresented several paraphrased statements from ETSU Director of Auxiliaries Jennifer Crigger as direct quotations. The current version has been revised to reflect that these are paraphrases, not quotes. 

Roughly two weeks ago, the Student Government Association passed legislation that would bring feminine hygiene products back into campus-wide bathrooms.

After Sen. Tori Neal brought up the legislation, it was revised in the meeting and was unanimously passed and deemed emergency legislation.

Those who have tried to use any of those machines since that day, with the exception of those in residence halls, still came out empty handed.

After the legislation was passed, it was then sent to the Office of Financial Services, where it was ultimately denied.

The machines were removed due to lack of use and vandalism, said Jennifer Crigger, director of auxiliaries.

However, some female students have said that the only vandalism they have seen is notes left by women who have “paid it forward” by buying an extra tampon for the next person who needs one.

Another main reason provided by the Office of Financial Services is that it was making no profit off the machines in the CPA.

Of the machines that were stocked in September, only four tampons were purchased in each of the downstairs CPA bathrooms.

Freshman Leah McHale believes the machines should be filled, particularly in the Charles C. Sherrod Library.

“When a girl is on her period, she doesn’t want to roll out of bed to go to class, much less work out,” McHale said. “I’m sure if they would actually fill up the machines in the library, they would make a profit. Students practically live there.”

The acknowledgment of the CPA machines raised questions about the bathrooms in the library, the D.P. Culp University Center and academic buildings throughout campus.

In regards to students in need at the Culp Center, Crigger said, “If students are in the Culp Center, the BucMart carries these items.”

She later stated that there is no intention of filling the machines again.

“It’s inconvenient and unfair,” said freshman Santanna Richardson. “I don’t want to buy a box of tampons from the BucMart for $4.50 to carry around when I should be able to just pay $1 for an emergency in the bathrooms.”

Some male students, including sophomore Chris Friend, have also voiced their opinions.

“From a male’s point of view, it’s unfair,” Friend said. “It’s not like women have control of whether or not they have a period. Periods are inconvenient enough for women, so why should they make it more difficult for them to take care of themselves?”

Sophomore Halley Deihl said filling the machines in unisex bathrooms is also important.

“These are a necessity,” Deihl said. “Unisex bathrooms are a perfect example. Having someone who identifies as male but is biologically female would put them in a terribly uncomfortable situation if they have to go to the BucMart to make their purchase.”