Have you ever wondered what that log cabin on Seminole Drive is used for? We have the answer.

Next door to the cabin is another building with a sign that reads “State of Tennessee Department of Education Tennessee’s Early Intervention Program.”

“ETSU owns both properties,” said Bill Rasnick, ETSU’s associate vice president of facilities management, planning and construction. “The log cabin is assigned to art as gallery space for many years. The brick house is partially leased to the State Department of Ed and also has office space assigned to art.”

Mira Gerard, the chair of the ETSU Department of Art and Design, said the cabin is for graduate master’s of arts and sciences students. Many of the students do their artistic work in this building and work on their capstone projects.

The building next door also has space for art and design students to work.

The department hopes to get enough funding to renovate the building in the future.

Gerald said that there are multiple spaces throughout campus for art and design students to do their projects.

Rasnick said ETSU owns several pieces of property around campus. He said ETSU has owned these two buildings for more than 20 years.