On their way to classes on campus, students may notice that the playground behind Warf-Pickel Hall is not quite what it used to be.
Not only is the equipment there over 20 years old, but it does not appear to be sturdy or dependent enough to host a crowd of joyful children taking a break from their day.
The Childhood Study Center, Early Child Education staff and the children’s parents are attempting to change that by having their annual Magical Night Of Giving in the Mall of Johnson City on Nov. 19.
This event is being held to help raise money for Project ACTION, an acronym for Activities for Children Through Integration of Outdoors and Nature.
With the asking of only $5, a ticket gets you into the mall after closing for entertainment, extra discounted sales in various department stores and an opportunity to register to win a $1,000 mall shopping spree.
Area school bands, choirs and the Suzuki School of Music will perform. Clowns and facepainters will keep the children occupied while the parents do some early Christmas shopping.
At 8 p.m., Santa Claus will make an appearance with his live reindeer escorting him into the mall.
The benefits from the ticket sales go directly to the Childhood Study Center’s fund for a new playground, which may cost an estimated $80,000 to $100,000. So far, the center has raised only $5,000.
“There is no significant date for when building will begin, but we do have our dreams,” said Connie Rogers, assistant director of the Child Study Center.
To purchase tickets for The Magical Night of Giving, call the center at 439-7549 or 439-4198.