I went through a training program this summer to prepare for an upcoming job here at ETSU. Part of that training was not training at all, but some people trying to convince me that I was a dominant white male who oppresses all and obviously has more chances than everyone especially women and minorities.
I told them if I was so dominant I would be at an Ivy League school, putting my hand into the white man’s dominant jar.
Affirmative action is an ideology that seeks to oppress members of the so-called “dominant culture.”
Affirmative action seeks to make white males especially and any conservatives recompense others because their fathers were either successful or had a large bank account.
In the academy, affirmative action has sought to “diversify” the campus. But, what it really does is create tension between the races. (I do not like to use the term minority because it has a negative connotation.)
The college campus is diverse already without any outside help.
College campuses usually have a plethora of political and religious beliefs. Students have a right under the Constitution to believe, politically, whatever they want to.
Affirmative action aims to make students into bleeding-heart leftists.
Fear the wrath if you happen to be a student who bucks the system.
One result of affirmative action is what I like to call the backlash. The backlash is a group of Gen Xer’s to Gen Yer’s who have had the leftist agenda shoved down their throats so much that they will protest with violence. I’m not talking about conservatives, but kids who have a radical streak in them anyway. For instance, I was told two weeks ago that a neo-fascist group is active on the ETSU campus.
I agree with William and Mary College student Jeanne McDonnell, who said that re-segregation is happening due to affirmative action.
The students who do not benefit from affirmative action know who does. When they see a student whose tuition is paid for, housing is free and books are free without working a day, they feel oppressed, as they should.
Of course, I’ve not mentioned the race-based graduate school admissions. Non-white students are given extra opportunity to attend graduate schools. If you do not believe me take a look at the controversy that surrounded the race-based admission at the University of Michigan.
If anyone saw the pickets outside the Supreme Court this summer or at Ann Arbor, there was a campus split among itself.
Affirmative action has torn college campuses in two. It’s torn the education down because professors have to compensate for those students who cannot really do the work.
The student body is directly split because it will naturally happen when one group is given preference.
The individual should be given preference, not a certain racial group. If individual merit is lost, so are the principles that govern equal opportunity under the law.