As the financial aid, scholarships and generous endorsements from the parental unit come pouring in, at first money may not seem like an issue.
Now, subtract tuition, meal plan, housing, class fees, gas money and the necessities and you find yourself scraping up change from the past residents of your new home.
Well, surprise of the century. there are a few alternatives.
So what if you don’t have the money to hit up the local Olive Garden twice a week or catch the latest mainstream flick down the road? There’s a world of entertainment just waiting for you, no matter which exit you take out of your dorm.
Taking into consideration that the number one priority of most college students, aside from studying (always), happens to be keeping off the dreaded Freshman Fifteen (take a moment to let the chills make their way down your spine) the first remotely mentionable on this list of cheap thrills is none other than the Center for Physical Activity (listed as building number 75, right outside of residence Lucille Clement, on any map found on campus).
Who needs a wallet or purse full of cash when there’s an Olympic-size pool, alive and thriving with bacteria from other swimmer’s lack of hygiene, where you can practice your back-stroke, beat your best friend by holding your breath (another skill you’re destined to use in life) or just prune up as an escape from the blistering sun?
If the H20 isn’t as appealing as a cardio workout, then feel free to skip the pool and make a few laps around the indoor track which overlooks the weight gym. Or feast your eyes on the rock climbing wall, just through the entrance, or the challenge course.
If, for some ungodly reason, muscle is your mission, then make your way to the weight machines, where nearly 110 are available for use, build on the bulk and don’t worry about your roommate. Just tell him you’ll “be back.”
Don’t forget while running in place, via treadmill, or bicycling, if you get too bored with the television (shield your eyes from the subliminal raping of your mind!)you canthrow a glance over your shoulder where you’ll find the soccer field just for your viewing pleasure.
If you’re looking for competition then play a game of basketball, racquetball (with the wall as your opponent) take karate lessons or yoga classes (just beg your parents for the money, honestly).
For those who don’t find physical movement to be your cup of tea, because anyone who enjoys a cup of tea surely doesn’t enjoy exercise, you may find more intriguing entertainment in the Carroll B. Reece Museum.
Sure, it’s boring as hell, but if you’re going to waste time then at least fool yourself into thinking you’ve furthered your education (ahem, history majors).
Aside from just wasting time on campus, you can make yourself a member of any club or organization.
For a heart that pumps blue and gold and beats to the rhythm of the fight song there’s Buc Wild where you’ll be free to be as extroverted and school-spirited as you want to be.
For anyone who finds their time better spent making a difference in their surroundings there’s Volunteer ETSU, an organization bent on taking small steps to change the world around them.
For the Paris Hiltons of ETSU (party goers/throwers) there’s Buctainment, an organization that helps put together free concerts on campus.
Even though life at ETSU provides every aspect of entertainment available (at least that’s what we, freshmen seem to believe), with every student bringing a unique perspective to a table already overflowing with diversity, having a club suited for everyone becomes impossible.
To create your own club, so that all your needs are met, you need four friends and an adviser (good luck with that) who share the same craving for entertainment.
No matter your interests, ranging from athletics to community service, the sky may not be the limit but your bank account and the boundaries of the campus happen to be.
For more information, call 439-7980.
The CPA is open on Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., on Friday from 7 a.m.-9 p.m., on Saturday from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday from 2-9 p.m.