Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to Dallas Tester’s article, ‘Not feeling too Well’, published Thursday, Sept. 28.
Dallas, I am glad that we get a second chance to respond to the thoughts that you shared on our Web site, It is regretful that your thoughts were deleted from the message board. That was a great teachable moment for us to explain the message and intention of the Web site, as well as The Well Ministry, and we missed it. Sorry!
Our goal as a ministry has always been to use culturally relevant mediums to communicate the life-giving message of Jesus Christ to our campus. was established as a way to meet that goal. To be honest, it has been quite successful in causing students to ask very relevant questions about life, satisfaction and the deepest longings of the heart.
As a result of that site and other similar mediums used, students come to The Well Wednesday nights seeking truth. We certainly realize that those that are attending are at all different places in life as well as their search for truth. And you are right; students are likely there for many different reasons, just as students have many different motivations for going to class! Some come to The Well seeking truth, and sure some may just be seeking a date. Whatever their motivation, while they are there, students have the opportunity to hear the truth that life can only be found through a relationship with Christ. The Well isn’t for people who have got it all figured out but for people who are in deep need.
I do not doubt the conversation that you overheard a student having on the phone before the service. We are glad students at different places in their journey are attending. It is our prayer that students struggling with those kind of real life issues are coming to The Well each week to hear truth about how Christ wants to revolutionize their world.
Better that they’re coming to The Well, with the opportunity to be challenged with real truth, than having the same conversation in the restroom of a place in which there is no challenge, possibly no hope offered to the longing of their hearts.
We invite anyone to The Well! Please don’t come looking for perfect people – we’ll certainly let you down! We will, however, point you to the one who never will – Jesus Christ.
James McNeill
Director, The Well Ministry