It was a cold and rainy day as I walked up to my apartment on campus. I was just about to hit the slight incline that required my muscles to exert the most insignificant amount of force.

As this moment was about to take place, a small SUV pulled up beside me with a bearded driver and he asked me if I wanted a ride.

After I got in and showed my appreciation of this kind gesture, he proceeded to ask me questions about my major, if I enjoyed it and what I planned to do with it in the future.

This guy was thoroughly interested in what was going on in my life and he didn’t even know me.

It was pretty genuine when you think about it; he had somewhere to be or not to be and he stopped to pick up some drenching kid when he could have just driven by like I do on a day-to-day basis with a feeling of indifference.

When I thanked him, he basically told me he wouldn’t want to be walking in this weather, and he assumed I didn’t either.

He wasn’t trying to teach a lesson or get a favor; he was just helping drag someone out of the rain for a few moments.

Now, fast forward a year and I am at service at The Well on a Wednesday night.

The music is playing, the spirit is felt in the room, some of us even move from side to side if we are feeling inclined to do so.

I was standing next to a brother in Christ and laying it all down, as often happens on these nights of replenishment.

Then, I was thrown off.

I looked to the front of this sanctuary and someone is jumping up and down in front of the stage area. He is running and jumping, running and jumping. All can see his movements and we are drawn away from our spirits and closer to his for a moment.

There were quite a few emotions that ran through me, as I am sure many ran through most in the room at this moment.

I had a feeling of disgust towards this individual because of the fact that he had thrown my groove off. Me and God, we were bonding and chilling and taking it all in.

I was giving into him and I was beside myself for a few mere moments.

Then, this guy steals the show and takes me away from all that.

Then again, maybe he did not do that at all. Maybe he was releasing us from ourselves for a split second and allowing us to see something that we would never do.

We all wanted to jump up and touch God for a split second, but we’re afraid to because then we would have to leave everything that we have here.

This guy, he did not want what we have here at all; he couldn’t stand staying on his feet.

He had to get to God.

These are possibly quick judgments or assumptions of what he was trying to get at and maybe it was more complicated than my initial idea.

Regardless, this guy showed us a glimpse of what all of us in the room strive for on a daily basis, to be different in a world full of the same thing everyday. I still don’t know the name of the driver from a year ago, but it could be eerily similar to the bouncing fool at The Well.

Who knows, maybe he will give me a ride and I will pay attention to his name this time and not fall back to sleep in my own complacent thoughts and ideals.