Five years ago, I read the book “Fast Food Nation” and five years ago, I gave up McDonalds, Burger King and carbonated beverages. At the time, I chose to block anything and everything from my body that related to the horrible treatment of animals destined for the slaughterhouse.

Looking back on that experience, it still amazes me what one well-written, incredibly researched book can inspire in someone.

This summer, I read the book “Skinny Bastard,” from the same straight-to-the-point ladies who brought us “Skinny Bitch.” The book is a no frills guide to a healthier you, and they take no pity. Interestingly enough, the book goes beyond simply being a guide to weight loss, and is nothing short of a well of vigilantly researched information promoting a vegan lifestyle.

After recently watching the documentary “Food Inc.,” I started to realize that having quit eating at McDonalds all those years ago wasn’t really cutting it anymore. I went on the website and ordered a vegetarian starter kit. I started poking around the Internet, looking for more information. I bought a book that provided information on vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements that would work together to insure that I was receiving the proper amounts in my new vegetarian diet.

On Sept. 1, I began day one of not eating meat. I started the school year by parking, purposefully, far from where my classes are held. I began a carefully researched vitamin regiment.

I am embarking on a journey that will hopefully cumulate in weight loss, increased energy levels, and an overall better outlook on life. I plan on spending each week discovering as much as possible about living a healthy lifestyle, and will hopefully discover just as much about myself.