TaleTellers is a student organization for the storytelling program on campus. One of their biggest contributions is to the Re-Generation: A Johnson City Story Slam series.

TaleTellers can be found emceeing, watching or telling their own stories at Story Slams. They also hold storytelling performances at local public schools and colleges, and they host events and performances right here on campus.

“There is no barrier of entry when it comes to storytelling,” said Issac Price, president of TaleTellers and GA for the Storytelling Program. “It is open to the public and we welcome individuals of all levels. That’s why we hold an open mic afterwards. Anyone can bring their stories and practice.”

Story Slams are held every third Friday of the month at 8 p.m. at JRH Brewing. The last story slam of the semester is Nov. 14, with the story slams picking up again in February and lasting through April.

This local story slam is based loosely on The Moth – a worldwide storytelling competition. They tell 5-minute stories while our story slam has a limit of 10 minutes. TaleTellers is thinking about cutting their story slam down to a 5-minute story limit, so students can compete here and then go on to The Moth.

“We want a space for people to hone a story into something that is worth presenting on a larger scale,” Price said. “It gives people a place where there is no judgement. You can enjoy the moment. Get your feet wet. If you don’t like it, you can just watch. And if you do like the experience of storytelling, keep working at it and keep performing.”