ETSU celebrated transfer student success with events around campus last week featuring food, games and giveaways for all students.

Oct. 21 through 24 was the third annual National Transfer Student Week hosted by ETSU’s Adult, Commuter and Transfer Services to support the struggles of the atypical college student.

Adults, commuter and transfer students are different from the average first-year student.

“It’s just an opportunity for us to showcase that ETSU has a 30% population of transfer students,” Assistant Director of ACTS Jennifer Rice said. “We want students to know that we have a transfer student population and that they might experience something differently than a traditional high school student.”

Amanda Leymeister, a junior at ETSU, assisted with the transfer student celebration and shared her experience as an adult student at ETSU.

“When I first came here it was like I came here, and I went home,” Leymeister said during the event. “There was nothing to do. I didn’t have friends. There are other ones of us out there. We’re adult students here, too. I have a son, and I’m getting married this weekend. There’s another girl here with a son, as well.”

These events mean more to ACTS students, who enter ETSU in a variety of stages in life, as they look for a community here.

“It’s bringing together the different populations of the students that ETSU has,” Leymeister said.