ETSU’s Collegiate Merchandising Association is hosting a month-long historic costume contest over social media, with the winner receiving a $25 Visa gift card.

Participants are tasked with creating a historically accurate costume, with bonus points if the makeup and hair are authentic as well. The contest began on Oct. 12 and will run until Oct. 27.

“We were thinking of doing something for Halloween, obviously since we are merchandising and fashion, Halloween is our time to shine,” said Collegiate Merchandising Association President Taylor Maupin. “The idea of the contest stems from a project in the merchandising program so we do this big end of year project, called the Historic Costume Project, where we all team up together and teach the class about a specific era in history.”

The judges for the event will be the executive board and social media coordinator of the Collegiate Merchandising Association, Taylor Maupin, Kelly Warren, Laura Birchfield and Kayley Street.

“We will all be judging on different topics,” said Maupin. “Kelly will be judging creativity, Laura will be judging historical accuracy, Kayley will be judging social media engagement and I will be judging the accuracy of the hair and makeup.”

A virtual event will be held on Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. for all those who entered the competition. The winner of the competition will be revealed and a discussion of historical movements in fashion will be held afterwards. Social media plays a large role in this competition because board members hope this contest, through social media tags, will help spread word of the ETSU’s Fashion Marketing and Merchandising program.

Participants are to create a historically accurate look based on the past and are encouraged to go as far back in time as they can find the inspiration for. Those wishing to enter the contest must post a photo of their look on their social media and tag the department at @etsumerchandising.