In this time of year, lots of us are concerned about the many things that we want, asking for them and trying to find the best deals to shower those we love in gifts.

I know personally, I have been making my list a little bit at a time over the year of things that I want and need. I know my friends and people in my friend’s circles are all asking for iPads, Macbooks, phones and more, however, what would happen if we didn’t have our basic needs met?

This area has a lot of poverty and a lot of people who can’t afford things like a coat, shoes, socks and cold weather gear. In comparison with lots of us, who are fortunate to be able to have multiple hats, gloves, scarfs and coats. So, what if this year, instead of eating out a couple times or buying out Target, we donate to those who need these things?

In Johnson County, donating to Women of MC will help those in Johnson County that do not have the funds are access to buy coats, shoes, clothes, etc. In Carter and Washington counties, you can reach out to the Boys and Girls Club, who serve kids in this area, who often may not have the coats or shoes needed.

The school systems in this area, also greatly welcome the chance to have things that their children need. You can call the school office and see what they may need and sizes or donate a gift card or money for them to get the items needed for the children. For adults in this area, there are several non-profits like United Ways of Greater Kingsport and Bristol TN/VA to give out adult coats and clothing.

This year, let’s give the gift of helping someone else.