Being a college student, many times, comes with the struggle of balancing work, social and academic responsibilities. ETSU understands this struggle and recognizes the increased difficulty that comes with simply being a university student.

To ease this difficulty, ETSU Dining Services has been hosting ‘Win It Wednesdays’ on its social media Instagram page.  

‘Win It Wednesdays’ is a new social media centered event that has been implemented by ETSU Dining Services since the beginning of the fall 2022 semester. Every Wednesday, Dining Services picks a winner for a virtual gift basket containing items like water bottles, sweet and savory snacks, sodas, teas and many other exciting items that are open to every student on and off campus.

To enter, students must follow the ETSUEats Instagram page where the giveaways are taking place, like the post of the giveaway basket and tag a fellow Buc in post’s comment section.  

Dining Services has been hosting this event every Wednesday since the beginning of the semester and post the giveaway winners to encourage students to participate in the event and obtain snacks while in a financial crunch.

This is one of the first virtual events ETSU Dining has hosted, as Dining Services frequently provides in-person activities such as pancake dinners, musical events and many other endeavors to get students involved and more connected to one another through food. The D.P. Culp Student Center dining hall is a hub for networking and building connections for new and returning students, and many individuals have fostered friendships over a simple slice of pizza or ice cream cone.  

“Through eating in the dining hall, I have made a ton of new friends,” said Reed Shamblin, ETSU sophomore. “I would simply start conversations with other students, asking what they were eating, and spark relationships by just being open.”

Shamblin is now an off-campus student, so he does not frequent the dining hall as much as he would like, but he “still maintains the friendships that were given to him by the convivence of the dining hall.”

ETSU Dining Services has made it a goal to connect students and provide them with exclusive dining experiences, and this is a goal they hope to maintain by hosting ‘Win It Wednesdays.’