With the cold weather rolling over the hills of Johnson City, many of the beautiful nearby waterfalls will go with little to no visitors until warmth takes another visit to Northeast Tennessee. Destinations such as Blue Hole Falls often go unnoticed during large cold spells, leaving the rich, cold waters flowing through the surrounding mountains in complete solitude. Sitting at just a short 30-minute drive from ETSU’s campus, Blue Hole Falls resides in Manchester, Tennessee, and remains one of the largest waterfall destinations in the Johnson City area. 

Blue Hole Falls gets its name from the bright blue water from the perceived depth of the hole itself. Sitting at just 15 ft. deep, the hole resides in the Cherokee National Forest and features multiple sections of fresh flowing water straight from the Blue Ridge Mountains.  

Admired for its accessibility with a half-mile hike to the falls, Blue Hole surges with visitors from Johnson City and beyond and provides one of the most stunning views in the Tri-Cities. Featuring such a short drive from campus and an even shorter hike, visiting Blue Hole during the summer is always perceived to be the best season. Yet, flocking to destinations such as Blue Hole in the winter can provide an almost higher reward in the colder months. 

While waterfalls are a wonderful swimming destination, especially during summer, and with the large variety surrounding the Appalachian Area, the serenity and brisk mountain air that exists near these forgotten water sources brings a new round of peace and mindfulness to a busy school year. Stepping out of your daily routine to listen to the roar of a nearby destination like Blue Hole can prove to relieve stress, calm anxiety and even provide a fresh sense of mind. Visiting during the less-frequented times with close friends is recommended for destinations such as Blue Hole, as it truly places beauty in the value of the scenery. 

Though the hike to the multi-layer falls is a short one, it is considerably steep, so keep this in mind when visiting for the first time. Cell phone service is also spotty in the area, so traveling with others or alerting a trusted friend of your whereabouts is always an essential part of visiting nature destinations surrounding the Johnson City area. Blue Hole is a hidden gem, so it is essential to refresh on the directions before planning your visit in case your GPS device does not prove to be reliable.  

For detailed directions and more information on Blue Hole Falls, please visit alltrails.com/trail/us/tennessee/blue-hole-falls and remember to bring proper provisions. Though this hike is not a large one or an all-day endeavor, being well-prepared for unpredictable scenarios can prove to be helpful in the future while hiking.