The Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) has kicked off the 2022-2023 Trailblazer series with a workshop on article processing charges (APCs), led by Sherrod Library experts Ashley Sergiadis and Christiana Keinath.

“The Trailblazer Series is meant to foster and promote research at ETSU,” said Dr. Nick Hagemeier. “We want to provide our researchers with opportunities to learn and grow.”

In “The Price of Publishing” workshop, Sergiadis and Keinath explained the history of open access publishing and how it can benefit researchers. “A common misconception is that if a journal is open access, then it must be low-quality, but that’s just not the case” said Sergiadis.

Sergiadis and Keinath went on to explain simple ways to spot predatory journals and how to pick quality journals for research. They informed researchers of potential ways to get funding help with publishing, so their findings can be accessed across the globe.

“Providing funding for article processing charges (APCs) is a pretty common ask in our office. We want to make sure we understand the return on investment for APCs and find funding for faculty as best we can,” said Dr. Hagemeier.

The Trailblazer Series will continue from January to May of 2023, on the second Thursday of each month in Culp Meeting Room 219. Space is limited, so registration will be available on the ETSU OVPR website each month.