I was watching “Twilight” this past weekend. Insane, I know, but I was watching “Twilight” with a group of friends, and it reignited my interest in vampires.

As I was telling them about some of the facts I know, I remembered the story of Butler, Tennessee, and knew immediately that I wanted to write about it.

That being said, this story is unverified, and the only proof I have of its existence is that it was told to me when I was younger, and the fact that when I brought it up, a few others knew what I was talking about.

The story of Old Butler is a simple one, however, there’s a little history to tell before the lore gets introduced.

The Tennessee Valley Authority is the company that owns and started the Watauga Dam. After regular flooding, the TVA decided to flood the Watauga and started their mission in 1942. After some time, due to World War II and resident refusal, the TVA began flooding Old Butler on Dec. 1, 1948.

They had the townsfolk moved to where Butler resides today, which is why Butler is called “the town that wouldn’t drown.” It doesn’t exactly make sense to me personally, but it doesn’t really have to. (TVA, “The Town That Wouldn’t Drown”)

And that leads into the local lore surrounding the flooding. While there seems to be no resources that say this is true, I have heard from a handful of people that the town was flooded for another reason; vampires.

Legend says that the town suffered from an infestation of vampires, and despite the efforts of the town, they couldn’t seem to fight the monsters off, which lead to the flooding of flooding of the town, though that may not have solved the problem.

Though the old town has been drained or lowered by drought twice, it has been said that should the town be drained for too long, the vampires will return.