Today we’re going on a four-and-a-half-hour drive to the Southwest to Flintville, Tennessee, home of the Flintville Monster.

There seemed to be a lot of appreciation for local lore from when I covered Old Butler, though it was very difficult given there was no information I could find regarding it other than the accepted history from the TVA. With that, I would like to do my best to do more articles about specific town lore.

Said to be similar to Bigfoot, the main difference is that whereas Bigfoot seems to want to be left alone, this monster wants violence. Multiple prior articles speak about cars being smashed and blood being found.

A regular source of cryptid lore, has a short description of it and other Appalachian creatures. The website speaks of a mom who saw it approaching her son. During that sighting, the mother called the police, who came and found sixteen-inch footprints and blood (Austin Leonard, Oct 6, 2021).

The monster has a skunk-like odor and has been measured at seven feet tall. Written about from 1997 to now, it seems to be one of the more popular Cryptids in the area. Indeed, it had been covered by multiple newspapers, podcasts and vlogs. If anyone is interested, while researching this, I found a podcast which seems to be local called “Paranormal 411.”

I don’t normally bring existence into question, simply covering the lore behind it, I do wonder about these creatures, given that they have been seen all of the world for generations. It seems that almost every area in the US has their own version of Bigfoot and most countries or national regions have one as well.

South America has the Maricoxi, Nepal has the yeti, even Australia has their own going by the name of Yowie. The list goes on!

Having shared a bit of information both about the Flintville Monster and some of the similar species found around the world, I have a request for you.

While there is no small supply of Cryptids to cover, interest focuses on city lore, such as with the Vampires of Old Butler. Unfortunately, that story was almost impossible to research. My accessible resources were simply a childhood story and a small handful of people confirming that they too had heard the tale.

With that in mind, I would like to ask if anyone has information regarding similar lore, that they reach out to me to talk about it.