The annual spring TEDxETSU event on campus is coming soon to students and faculty this semester. 

TEDx has been helping communities spread ideas and spark new conversations for decades. ETSU recently started the TEDxETSU program and has been able to bring these important conversations to students and staff on campus. This gives the ETSU community a chance to see the popular TED talks live and interact with speakers.

One organizer, Claire Webb, thinks it is a helpful way to connect students over issues and topics. 

“TEDxETSU is an event meant to provide a platform for ETSU students and those on campus to speak about issues they are passionate about. It’s also an opportunity for students to be involved in something greater than themselves that they might not be able to have otherwise,” Webb said. 

The event will be held this spring and is open to anyone who might be interested. This event will feature conversations and topics based on the theme “Beyond.” This gives students a chance to get involved and see different speakers and performers. 

“So far, TEDxETSU has only planned spring events. Last spring was the first TEDxETSU and this spring will be the second. These events are similar in format meaning there will be speakers and most likely performers that comprise the event,” Webb said. 

The program will continue to expand and give students an outlet to learn more and join in on community conversations. 

“TEDxETSU is an event that gives ETSU students and those on campus an opportunity to share and teach others about issues or topics important to the speaker. This year it will be held on campus on April 3. During the event, there will be speakers presenting various topics on the theme Beyond, as well as a few musicians that will be performing,” Webb said.

TEDxETSU’s 2023 event will be held on April 3. Students, faculty and any members on campus are invited to be a part of the conversation.