This is an old country with names no longer known. We are not the first to live here, and we won’t be the last.

But what of those who lives here before us? Before, perhaps, even the Native American tribes who cared for the land before our invasion?

The Moon-eyed people are a Cherokee legend which documents a race of people, short in stature with large blue eyes. The story originates from present day North Carolina.

According to the Sylva Herald (A newspaper company located in North Carolina) the Blue-Eyed People were a nocturnal race who lived in caves and were forced out of the area by either the Choctaw or Cherokee tribe, depending on who told the story of them.

Another site (The Blue Ridge Mountain Travel Guide) states that they are specifically not human. Their supposed presence within Ellijay, GA means, at the very least, that there are likely to be multiple stories for them. They add to the description of features, saying that they had beards.

Sculpture of moon-eyed people. (Contributed/

All sources to be found mentioned statues and man-made (or perhaps made by something else?) structures that look to be small humanoid figurines with very large, wide eyes.

Now, a clear comparison in features could probably be allotted to the presence of Anglo-Saxon people arriving on the land. However, these tales date back to before the Americas were officially said to have been discovered. However, it does not predate the arrival of the Welsh, and many (including the Sylva Herold) believe that is who the tribes are referencing when they speak of the Blue-Eyed People.

It may be that they were simply the people of immigrants. Or perhaps the tales are true. Perhaps they were not pushed out but are simply hiding underground. Waiting.