When it comes to politics I take it very seriously, being a political science major and all. With the presidential race beginning and primaries starting earlier I was more than happy; I was excited to get involved with a candidate. I had never been on a college campus during a major political race and I was totally ready to jump into the political game. I, as a Democrat, found myself watching the first debate, and I began to get frustrated with Hillary Clinton. Each and every time I watched her I seemed to hate her more and more. Why, you ask?
She’s a woman, and you are too, so you should be more than happy to sign up and be a part of something that has never happened at this level, a woman in the running for president. I do see it as major feat in history but we women also want to be treated as equals. So when something like that comes along it should be treated as such. It should never be about race, sex or religion; it should always be about the issues. The point that she makes is that all women should support her just because she is a woman. Shouldn’t it be about what is good and right for our country?
Her political history is not as long as people make it out to be. Most people count her husband’s administration as her most magnificent achievement. I will give her credit that she did raise issues during her husband’s presidency and did raise some that did not go over too well, such as her health care fiasco. She has always been an advocate for the middle class and health care, but what else have we seen from her? Is she really going to run her whole campaign on her husband’s credentials and her gender?
Seems to me that she has nothing to go on but that. The media says that Barack Obama does not have as much experience as she does so it makes him a weaker candidate in the race. But as I said does she truly get to count her husband’s presidency as a political experience? She has been in the U.S. Senate since 2001. Compared to her opponent Barack Obama who spent only two years in the Illinios state senate, she has been in the game longer on her own then he has and even longer if you count her husband and well she’s been a woman all her life, so does that make her more knowledgeable then the others running? I say this with obvious bias because I have chosen a candidate to support in the Democratic primary – Barack Obama.
Should I, as a woman, be obligated to support Hillary? If that is true then why listen to any of the issues and any of the debates. Just call it quits to being opinionated and give up your freedom of choice. By saying that all women should support Clinton solely on the factor of sex is limiting our options as American citizens and the right to vote freely on what we feel is the best decision.