A lot of people don’t follow U.S. politics, but even fewer people follow international news and affairs. It’s easy to get absorbed into domestic affairs, but international affairs are just as – if not more – important. International politics have the potential to change history, cultures and millions of people’s lives – lives all over the world, not just American lives.

Environmental laws are an example of international policies that have the potential to literally effect everyone on earth since they are passed to protect the earth and everyone living in it.

The Paris Agreement back in 2016 is one of the best examples of how important international affairs and policies can be.

The Paris Agreement was drafted by the United Nations to combat climate change by keeping global temperature rise under control and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, and it was signed by the European Union and many other countries including the United States, although the US withdrew from the agreement later on.

The agreement has the power to affect generations of people all around the world and the earth as a whole, so many people were outraged when the U.S. pulled out of the Paris Agreements. Unfortunately, there are many other international political events that do not receive as much attention.

There are atrocities and conflicts happening all over the world: The war with Ukraine and Russia, the conflict in Syria and many more.

Consider the implications Americans would face if one of our allies turned their backs to us, or vice versa. We talk about trade deals, economics, global exchange and nuclear agreements, but what we don’t focus on are the larger effects these agreements, or disagreements, can have on our nation and others.

Despite the agreements, Americans should follow the innovations and good news that happen all over the world. We focus so much on the bad, it can seem like America is the only one prospering, when in reality, so many other nations are growing and creating just like ours.

So many international events receive little or no media coverage and little public recognition, but people should open their eyes more and pay attention to both national and international affairs. That way they can be aware of how people’s lives are effected around the world.