Podcasts are becoming the new big thing in entertainment. A few years ago, YouTube was the site everyone watched because it was a convenient, easy way to get your entertainment. Now people are turning to podcasts because they’re even easier and more convenient.

Listening to podcasts in the car has become the norm for many people. Instead of listening to a favorite radio station during the morning commute, many listeners catch up on an episode or two of their favorite podcast. Why have so many people made this change?

For one, podcasts can be tailored to specific categories or interests. There are so many podcasts out there that there’s something for everyone. Instead of having to listen to whatever the radio station decides, podcasts give listeners control of what they want and without ads, depending on the platform.

Podcasts are also easier to listen to on phones and computers. Many local radio stations might have apps, but they can be unreliable. The Spotify app and Apple’s Podcast app are two of the easiest platforms people can access podcasts and switch between podcasts and music.

Many have asked where radio will be left if podcasts continue to grow. While podcasts are becoming popular for many people, I don’t think it will ever replace radio. People will never get tired of listening to music, and listening to the radio particularly in the car has been a pastime for decades that many people are fond of. Radio talk shows are actually very similar to podcasts, and many could consider them the first podcasts.

How we consume media like radio and podcasts is going to continuously change through the years. The number of radio listeners may decrease as a new generation develops its own standards of media consumption, but I don’t foresee the radio going dark any time soon. If anything, podcasts will just cause radio to evolve, possibly even creating radio stations that include and collaborate with podcasts.