After a long building process, the James C. and Mary B. Martin Center for the Arts is set to be open soon. While no exact date has been announced yet, it is said that construction has been finishing up completion over the past few weeks. Though it may still be a while before large live performances are allowed, the upcoming opening of the Martin Center is something to look forward to for the university and the local community.

As a participant and lover of the arts at ETSU, the opening of the Martin Center is something I have been looking forward to since its construction began. The large auditorium and recital hall are going to offer arts students better facilities for practice and performances, and it will attract new performers to the area that otherwise could not have been housed previously.


The bigger stage, costume shops and other amenities will mean the ETSU Department of Theatre and Dance will have more options and freedom to perform shows in ways they could not before because of the restrictions of the Bud Frank Theatre. For music students, there will now be a larger space to host recitals and concerts, which will allow more people to attend events.

Though it is not certain what live performances will look like in the near future, it is exciting to know that these new options and opportunities will be here when life returns to more normal circumstances. In times like these, it can be helpful to find things to look forward to in the future and use that as a way to motivate oneself to get through the present.

In my case,  I am looking forward to seeing how the theater department will use their new space in their upcoming performances and to hear musical performances in the new auditorium and recital halls when the Martin Center begins hosting performances.