The holidays are usually a stressful time anyway, but we are now going to be dealing with a new stressor: the COVID-19 pandemic. Like pretty much everything in 2020, holidays are going to look a bit different this year. What can we do to ensure we have both safe and joyful holidays?

Keeping gatherings small and trying to avoid being around many people at once will be beneficial to everyone’s health. Hosting holiday gatherings in the biggest, most open room available will also ensure people will not be crowded together. If possible, it may be a good idea to social distance as much as possible when eating or conversing, especially if one is going to be around someone who is high-risk.

For people who are traveling home or longer distances, it is important to look up local policies on mask mandates of places one is traveling to in order to be prepared. For anyone traveling by plane, make sure to wash hands frequently, social distance when possible and follow all airport and airline safety guidelines.

If one is gathering with other friends and family for Thanksgiving and other holidays, it is also a good idea to limit going out or attending other gatherings as much as possible. This way, the risk of coming in contact with someone who has COVID-19 is smaller before going to meet with others for the holiday. Little choices such as choosing to get takeout instead of eating at a restaurant before the holidays can make a big difference in keeping loved ones safe during the holiday season.

Though holidays are coming with more risks this year, it is still possible to have a good time with friends and family. Taking a few safety precautions may seem excessive or annoying in the moment, but it is better to be safe than sorry in the long run.