The Mary V. Jordan Multicultural Center recently announced its new changes in leadership with Steve C. Ellis now serving as interim director.

Ellis assumed his role in Dec. 2021 and has a long history with ETSU’s student services. He has worked with the Gatton College of Pharmacy since 2005 and has served as the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs since 2008. Presently, Ellis plans to continue his roles within the Gatton College while also working with the MCC. 

Ellis understood the “big shoes” he would need to fill when he was approached with the idea of serving as interim director but was also aware of the great impact he could have.

“I recognized that serving as Interim Director would provide a tremendous opportunity to expand my involvement across the University, to work with a wonderful staff of dedicated individuals and ultimately to impact a broad array of students,” Ellis said.

A broad array of students is exactly what the Multicultural Center represents. Located in the D.P Culp Center, the mission of the Multicultural Center is to “champion diversity,” something that Ellis clearly recognizes, as he described the center as “a place that is welcoming and open, where students can ‘let their hair down’ and be themselves without fear.” 

Ellis believes the positive impact of the center is evident and welcomes all students to participate in the many upcoming events. February will host many events centered around Black History Month, as well as social events like an upcoming Super Bowl watch party to which students are invited. 

With Ellis’ thorough experience working with ETSU and its students, the Multicultural Center is sure to benefit with its new leadership. For more information on Ellis and the Multicultural Center’s upcoming events, visit the Multicultural Center’s page on the University website or contact Ellis at