ETSU’s Fitness and Wellness will be hosting Be Kind to Your Body Week Feb. 14 through 18 in honor of February being National Eating Disorder Awareness Month.

Halie Darby, coordinator for Fitness and Wellness, says that this week is a great opportunity to “provide resources on campus for those struggling with eating or body image concerns, and encourage everyone to practice self-compassion and show their bodies and minds some kindness.”

One unique aspect being implemented throughout the entire week is the Clothing Tag Disposal Stations. Individuals are encouraged to cut their clothing tags out of their clothes and drop them off in discrete places in the men’s and women’s locker rooms. The message iterated through this is that people should not allow their sizes to define them, and that no numbers or letters on their clothing equates to their worth.

An additional event was Affirmation Hearts on Feb. 14, which consisted of decorating hearts with words of kindness, motivation and inspiration of self-love. Additionally held on Valentine’s Day was Body Positivity Yoga and Meditation where participants did yoga while learning how to practice healthy words of self-affirmation.

The National Eating Disorders Association estimates that between 10 and 20% of women and 4 to 10% of men in college suffer from an eating disorder. Being aware that all individuals can be affected by this realm of illness and that there are resources for treatment and support are important in combatting eating disorder culture and afflictions.

Fitness and Wellness is collecting feedback regarding eating and body image concerns amongst the ETSU community and is asking any willing participants to fill out the following survey by clicking this link, Campus Climate: Eating and Body Image Concerns, or by scanning the provided QR code.

 Any individual with eating concerns should contact the ETSU Counseling Center at 423-439-1000 or email to receive help and additional guidance.