This is part one of this series, but the Murdaugh Case is one of the biggest in South Carolina history, shaking through the low country. Sources for this article are primarily Mandy Matney of Murdaugh Murders Podcast and

The Murdaugh name has become synonymous with collusion, lying, cover-ups and cheating the system. However, for the people of the low country in South Carolina, this name is synonymous with power, control and betrayal.

So, who are the Murdaughs, and why has this become a nationwide name?

Alex Murdaugh (pronounced Alec) is a disgraced lawyer in the low country. According to Forbes, he has over 70 charges against him in the state of South Carolina. He is currently sitting on a $7 million bond from one judge and a no-bond-order from a different judge. So, who is this disgraced lawyer and why is he making national news?

Alex served as a member of, formerly, PMPED Law Group and is a badge-carrying member of the Solicitor’s Office. PMPED is a law group founded several generations before Alex that remained a family-controlled group, until Alec suddenly resigned from it in 2021. His resignation came at the announcement of him stealing millions from the trusts of clients he’d represented, including his housecleaner who died on his Moselle property.

Shortly after his resignation, he was brought up on charges, which at this point have amounted to over 70 just at the state level. His alleged collusion to steal millions includes his best friend, Corey Fleming, and a former high-ranking member of Palmetto State Bank. Palmetto State Bank holds almost all of the local citizens money for the low country.

In the same way injustice, collusion, thievery and distrust has affected his professional life, they intertwine right within his personal life. His wife Maggie and son Paul were shot and killed on their Moselle property. While no one has been arrested, Alex is a suspect in the murders.

Maggie and Alex were known to be boisterous with their money, and they worked to show they had power and influence of the low country, but above all they protected their kids, it seemed. Paul once drove a boat that killed his friend, Mallory Beach, while completely intoxicated, and his parents worked to begin shifting justice moments after they arrived at the hospital.

The final family member, Buster Murdaugh is a law school kick-out and is currently living his life in the shadows of his dad’s crimes, but not without the luxuries he’s used to, as he was seen in Vegas several months ago in October.