What started out as an idea in 2011, Bucky’s Food Pantry is gaining more popularity by the year, helping almost 800 people in the ETSU community last year.

Charles Patton, chair of Bucky’s Food Pantry, discussed his time at the pantry and why he is here today.

“I have been with the Bucky’s Food Pantry since the planning stages in fall 2011,” Patton said. “I was with the staff senate at that time and they asked for volunteers to work with an ad hoc committee
looking into starting a food pantry.”

Patton said that working with his colleagues to help fight food insecurity on campus is the most fulfilling part of his job.

“Working at the pantry has given me insight to better understand food insecurity on campus and at the local, regional, state and national levels,” Patton said.

It takes more than just one man to run a fast-growing need on campus, and that is where the Americorp interns and other members of the organization come into play.

Dean of Students Michelle Byrd explained the partnerships and upcoming vouchers students can use for supermarkets.

Since Summer 2021, an affiliate partnership arose for the pantry with Earth Fare and ALDI. With a partnership with Americorp and membership with Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee, the pantry was able to distribute 8,000 pounds of food from the site.

“Appalachian Resource Conservation and Development Council, through which we have the Americorp connection, received a Project Diabetes grant from the Tennessee Department of Health,” Byrd said. “This means we will be able to provide vouchers in Bucky’s Pantry food boxes that can be taken to the participating markets and redeemed for fresh produce.”

Bucky’s has set a plan for this semester and onward. Deel has also worked closely with Erica Malpass, a sustainability coordinator at the Department of Sustainability, for plans on developing a community garden.

Patton said helping the campus community does not stop at the food pantry. There are coat drives which are held annually, and the pantry itself collects suits and formal clothes for the ETSU Clothing Closet located within the Culp Student Center with Career Services.

Donations to the pantry are always valued and accepted. For more information on Bucky’s Food Pantry, contact Charles Patton at pattonc@etsu.edu or the food pantry contacts are foodpantry@etsu.edu or 423-439-BUCK (2825).