On Jan. 23, the Center for Physical Activity (CPA) hosted its first annual Group Fitness Party. Held on the CPA floor from 5-7 p.m., the party consisted of three of the most popular fitness formats that are offered through Campus Recreation. The yoga, strength training and dance classes offered served as a kickoff for a new initiative through the ‘Exercise is Medicine’ program: Buccaneer Bootcamp.

Buccaneer Bootcamp is a new semester-long challenge that promotes a healthy lifestyle through the CPA. By participating in three weekly workouts or logging 20 exercise sessions through the FytFeed app, students have the opportunity to earn a free Buccaneer Bootcamp shirt and further their fitness journey.

“Our main goal with Buccaneer Bootcamp and Monday’s event is to encourage students to have fun trying out three of our most popular fitness classes and feel comfortable joining us for classes at the CPA,” said Halie Darby, assistant director of Student Wellness for Campus Recreation. “We hope to bring students together through fitness and encourage them to continue to participate in workouts together through Buccaneer Bootcamp.”

The Group Fitness Party provided excitement for students across the board, from those in participation to student instructors. For campus recreation, however, this is just the beginning of the activities they have in store for the spring semester. Kind to Your Body Week is set to be hosted in February, along with a monthly Wellness Kitchen and specialty yoga workshops. They are additionally offering new and exciting fitness classes, including a new AcroYoga class and many more to come.

“My favorite part of large group fitness events, like the Group Fitness House Party, is seeing people join together and have fun through fitness,” said Darby. “I feel the individuals who participated had a great time and hope they will join us for future events.”

If you are interested in attending the events to come, please contact Halie Darby at darbyh@mail.etsu.edu, or visit the Campus Recreation Instagram page @etsucampusrec.