I scream you scream, we all scream…all scream for the gathering of the nations.

On September 6th, the ETSU Model UN club hosted their Ice Cream Social at Roger Stout 303 at 5 p.m. It was an introduction to the club with the board members explaining the rules and regulations of the club. They had Munchkins and Ice Cream. New members also received the country flags of who they were representing.

Model UN is a simulation of the real United Nations where the club represents three different sections: general assembly, crisis committee, and security council. Each individual in the general assembly has a country to represent, and they make decisions to reflect that country. During the crisis, they reflect an individual who is faced with a disaster. Parry described the difference between the two as general assembly as a democracy and crisis as anarchy.
“You act in accordance of the country and act in accordance in the real world of the UN,” said Noel.


The board members include Julianne Barteck as President, Kiran Nieves-Noel as Vice President, Hannah Parry as Secretary/Social Media Manager, Elijah Mauk-Olson as Member Liaison, and Austin Robichaud as Treasurer. Dr. Bufano of the Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration is the Faculty Advisor.
Model UN meets every Wednesday at 5 p.m. at Roger Stout 303.

Its motto, as mentioned on their Instagram, is “Peace, dignity, and equality on a healthy planet.”

Model UN at ETSU focuses on the general assembly and the crisis committee. On September 13, they will have their first committee. Even if members join later in the year, they can still participate. Other members can help review and explain what is going on with the club.

Model UN is open to anyone at ETSU. Parry said that even though they get a lot of political science and international affairs students, anyone can do anything because she is a marine biology major and on the board.
Noel said that joining Model UN can help raise skills in speech and debate, academic writing, persuasive speech, international affairs, acting, and ROTC. She said that thinking about how a country will about ct helps see the fun of politics.

‘We are like D and D with politics,” said Noel.

Currently, the Model UN has plans in the works.

From October 21-22, ETSU will host the Fall Model UN two-day conference from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. for surrounding colleges. The first day will be a general assembly and the second will be a crisis committee. On November 16th-18th, Model UN plans to travel to a conference in Alanta, Georgia. There are in the works to try to travel to an International conference in Taiwan if the budget allows.

On September 20th, Capture the Flag will be a campus comprehensive event. Check-in will start at 5 p.m. at Roger Stout 303. It is a competitive game where the person must steal and hide flags from each other. First place will be given to the people with their flags still intact. Second will be provided with the most stolen flags.

In the Spring, they will host their annual BucMun Jr., where they host surrounding high schools and show them how to do Model UN.

They will also be hosting many other fundraisers and events in the coming months.

Dr. Bufano is adding five points to his finals to anyone who joins the club.
For more information, the Model UN has an Instagram, Group Me, and emailing list at @ETSUMODELUN.