Climate change legislation has become a hot topic of debate internationally and in the U.S. because of the 2020 presidential election approaching. One discussion point on climate change in the recent months has been the proposal of the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal was proposed by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward J. Markey in early 2019. It was drafted to combat climate change and eventually wean the U.S. off of fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Not only does it tackle climate change, but it strives to address economic inequalities by creating high-paying jobs in renewable energy industries. The proposal wants the government to provide job training in these new industries, particularly in areas the currently rely on fossil fuel industries.

With the plan, electricity in America would eventually be switched to be powered completely through renewable energy, and there would be investments adding electric vehicles and high-speed rail systems to transportation systems around the country. The Green New deal was voted down by the Senate in March 2019, but several presidential candidates are hoping to propose their own versions and solutions of the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal seems to overall be a good idea that would benefit the U.S. and the world in many ways. The idea of the U.S. being powered off only renewable energy by 2030 seems almost unimaginable at this point, but I think it’s a goal worth striving for.

Many opponents of the proposal think it’s too radical or too liberal, but I don’t think any legislation that could help make the planet and our lives healthier should have any kind of political label. Promoting renewable energy and overall health of our planet are not Democratic or liberal ideas, they should just be human ideas. Everyone has to live on this Earth, and everyone will suffer if the planet continues to deteriorate.

While the plan isn’t perfect, the Green New Deal should not be discredited or thrown out completely, especially under the guise of it being too “radical.” The plan strives to create a healthier world, and that is something everyone should be striving for.