On Feb. 8, a new project broke ground on the construction of the Tapestry at Roan Hill, a replacement housing facility for the residents of the John Sevier Center.

With an estimated time of 18 to 24 months, the building is projected to be finished in December 2025. It will feature larger living spaces and better amenities than the 100-year-old John Sevier Center. It will also have 145 available units, five less than the John Sevier Center.

Photo of the future John Sevier Center location. (Seneca Rulison/East Tennessean)

The Tapestry at Roan Hill will be compliant with Section 8 Housing requirements just as the John Sevier Center was. This opens the door for many individuals who are unable to work to afford quality housing in the area.

Tapestry at Roan Hill will also have a courtyard in the center of the building as well as parking space available to residents. There is a bus stop located next to the building as well.

The building will be located at 2162 S. Roan St. next to Food City, giving residents convenient access to the store.

The process for the transition has been ongoing since 2019 and has involved multiple organizations, including the Johnson City Development Authority, Bristol Development and LHP Management.

These groups have been renovating the federally subsidized John Sevier Center as well. The Center will  be celebrating 100 years on June 26, 2024, and has been providing housing for individuals over the age of 62 and individuals with disabilities since the 1970s.

JCDA plans to sell the John Sevier Center once the renovations are completed, and the transfer of residents has concluded.

For more information about Tapestry at Roan Hill, visit the Johnson City Development Authority Website, jcda.org.